To Apply: https://calcareers.ca.gov/CalHrPublic/Jobs/JobPosting.aspx?JobControlId=457547
Under the direction of the Chief, Office of System Planning and Local Development Review, the incumbent is responsible for analyzes to support System Planning products, including Travel Demand Forecasting, Microsimulation Modeling Development, analysis of Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), “Big Data”, and Level of Service (LOS). The incumbent is also tasked with aiding in the development of System Planning documents such as Corridor Management Plans (CMP), Engineered Feasibility Studies (EFS), and other System Planning reports. The incumbent may also serve as a member of Project Development Teams (PDT) as a representative for Transportation Planning and provide technical assistance for Capital Outlay projects. Incumbent may act as Lead Worker to Transportation Planner(s) and Transportation Engineer(s). Licensed Transportation Engineer (Civil) or Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE) is desirable.