Swift sports organization it’s a grassroot organization which started with single mothers in netball game, in urban Slums in Wakiso district which is close to capital city of Uganda called Kampala.
We have a vision of fighting poverty through our sports talent but we can not put a blind eye to the life in the communities where we live.
We have organized a research program which is going to benefit international funding bodies to CBOs,clubs , Governments in Africa like us. To get the information they need to do their work well as our contribution.
Urban Slum in Uganda there’s many issues which the world must know how,where to target there fundings for example like single mothers, Children, elderly etc in urban Slums. They need a good life also to take their children to good schools and that’s why we went beyond swift superladies netball club and kids to the CBO.
This is program is very rich to interns which visions to empower and add value to their career to communities in this generation
You can apply individually but a group works a lot to share different ideas in discovery and findings.
As Swift sports organization our mandate is to organize well everything. Your accomodation,security in the community, guidance but we need someone to come knowing we not an established big CBO with funds,no we depends on ourselves members contributions and temporary donors once a while. You need to come and together we make this program successful in different contributions.
You shall also have time in our community,sports training experience and other adventures it’s gonna knowledgeable fun.